Johnson, JD, McDuff SG, & Rugg, MD, Norman KA. (2009).
Johnson, JD, McDuff SG, & Rugg, MD, Norman KA. (2009). Recollection, familiarity, and cortical reinstatement: a multivoxel pattern analysis. Neuron, 63(5), 697-708. PubMedID 19755111
Johnson, JD, McDuff SG, & Rugg, MD, Norman KA. (2009). Recollection, familiarity, and cortical reinstatement: a multivoxel pattern analysis. Neuron, 63(5), 697-708. PubMedID 19755111
Park, H., & Rugg, M.D. (2008). The relationship between study processing and the effects of cue congruency at retrieval: fMRI support for transfer appropriate processing. Cerebral Cortex, 18, 868-875.PubMedID 17652467
Johnson, J.D., Muftuler, L.T., & Rugg, M.D. (2008). Multiple repetitions reveal functionally- and anatomically-distinct patterns of hippocampal activity during continuous recognition memory. Hippocampus, 18, 975-980. PubMedID 18548578
Uncapher, M.R., & Rugg, M.D. (2008). Fractionation of the component processes underlying successful episodic encoding: a combined fMRI and divided-attention study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20 240-254. PubMedID 18275332
Johnson, J.D., Minton, B.R., & Rugg, M.D. (2008). Content-dependence of the electrophysiological correlates of recollection. NeuroImage, 39, 406-416. PubMedID 17933555
Rugg, M.D., Johnson, J.D., Park, H., & Uncapher, M.R. (2008). Encoding-retrieval overlap in human episodic memory: A functional neuroimaging perspective. Progress in Brain Research, 169, 339-352. PubMedID 18394485
Duverne S., Habibi A., & Rugg M.D. (2008). Regional specificity of age effects on the neural correlates of episodic retrieval. Neurobiology of Aging, 29, 1902-1916. PubMedID 17560691
Hayama, H.R., Johnson , J.D., & Rugg, M.D. (2008). The relationship between the right frontal old/new ERP effect and post-retrieval monitoring: Specific or non-specific? Neuropsychologia, 46, 1211-1223. PubMedID 18234241
Vilberg, K.L., & Rugg, M.D. (2008). Memory retrieval and the parietal cortex: A review of evidence from a dual-process perspective. Neuropsychologia, 46, 1787-1799.PubMedID 18343462
Park, H, & Rugg, MD. (2008). Effects of study task on the neural correlates of source encoding. Learning and Memory, 15, 417-425. PubMedID 18511693